Awaken, Rise, and Shine-Beautiful Soul!


You are brand new and you have been given a second chance at life!

I’m Heidi—your personal guide and biggest fan! I want to help you awaken to the brand new YOU! Humanity has experienced one of the greatest awakenings of all time and space! You did it! You made it!

You have prepared for this ascension for many, many lifetimes. You carry very special gifts and abilities within you that our beloved planet and humanity need. I want to help you invoke and use your gifts for the greatest good. We are waiting for you-thank you for showing up!

Your body has been experiencing immense ascension symptoms and is being highly upgraded and downloaded with solar energies and light codes. This integration process may be very challenging and difficult. I want to assist and guide you through the purging of your deepest wounding and trauma. I can help you surrender and release old patterns and limiting beliefs that keep you stuck and looping.

You have a brand new life to create as a brand new consciousness with infinite potential! In order to fully embody all the genius, abundance, harmony, peace, health, and miracles your new consciousness provides- you must release the old ways of your old self.

Are you ready to get started? I use a combination of one-on-one sessions, workshops and classes, courses ,release sessions, and energy healing treatments. You may choose how you would like to work with me from the comfort of your home or in person at my fabulous studio!

Here’s how we do that—


Energy Healing

Reiki (Ray-Key) is an energy healing treatment used to cleanse and revitalize your energy, mind, and body. Heidi is an experienced Reiki Master practitioner and teacher who is extremely passionate and dedicated to your well-being on every level!

Feeling anxious, stressed, and depressed? Wanting to clear out old, stagnant energy and recharge your body, mind, and spirit? Unsure of which direction to take in your life and seeking clarity and balance? An energy healing treatment with Heidi is your first step!

Intensive Workshops

These workshops are specifically designed to introduce you to a whole new awakened sense of freedom, peace, love, and harmony.

Heidi uses her wisdom, intuitive gifts, personal experience and expertise to create mini-workshops. She does not waste your time or money and delivers profound opportunities of self-healing and expansion!

Group Classes

These classes allow you the opportunity to build a circle of encouragement and support as you discover your greatest potential and purpose. If you feel stuck or unable to move past situations that seem debilitating and impossible and you are ready to rise above your current limitations this setting is most ideal! If you are curious and desire expansion and freedom, yearn for a community of unconditional love and acceptance…you have landed right where you need to be.

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I’m proud to call her my teacher and consider her an inspiration both as I study to become an energy healer/teacher, and as a human being.
— Stephanie B.
She is a beautiful heart-centered being who radiates compassion and love but doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to what I need to hear to move me forward on my path.
— Nola W.
I have had many healings on Heidi’s table and have come away with clarity and overwhelming peace.
— Mary L.